- Are you the legal guardian/parent of the child?
- Yes, Continue to step 2
- No
- You are not eligible
- For more information, click here
- Is your child currently enrolled in one of the following (must provide proof the benefits are active within 12 months):
- Medicaid
- Yes, Continue to step 3
- No
- You are not eligible
- For more information, click here
- Have you already paid your child's registration fees?
- No, Continue to Step 4
- Yes, you are not qualified
- For more information, click here
- Is the league you are requesting funding for a recreational youth sports league?
- Yes, Continue to Step 5
- No
- You are not eligible
- For more information, click here
- Is the sport your child wants to play starting in the Fall season?
- Yes, continue to the Pre-Game Check List
- No
- You are not eligible
- For more information, click here
- Qualifying Document is current:
- Dates are within 12 months
- The child's name appears as a current beneficiary
- The program the child is enrolled in is clearly named
- Examples of qualifying documents can be found here